How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in Mumbai?


How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in Mumbai?

Mumbai city of dreams is all set to fulfill your dream of having a biological child at an economical surrogacy cost in Mumbai. The infertility rate is increasing day by day in Mumbai because of the new lifestyle. People are more focused on becoming financially strong and achieving their desired career goals. Having a baby has shifted as a secondary thing for couples. The time they realize to have a family, it gets late.

Lately, surrogacy is the most popular process that accomplishes between the intended parents and surrogate mother. She conceives for them and delivers their child. Do you know? Surrogacy in India is much legal that allows only married and Indian couples. No other person can have that as it is prohibited. People from different nations are illegal to select the process. Here are extensive criteria for intended parents to select surrogacy in Mumbai. Though, surrogacy charges are much more affordable than in developed countries. You can become a parent successfully at suitable charges in Mumbai. With it, only the Altruistic form is available which means the surrogate mother will not have

Who can opt for surrogacy?

It cannot be denied that even if a woman is independent and successful if she does not have kids, society considers her life a failure. But is it? The answer is no, to have kids or not is a choice of people. For some, to have biological kids is important, and for some, it’s not. Some couples or single parents prefer child adoption over a biological child. Some desire to have a biological kid. Surrogacy helps those couples who want to have a biological child but couldn’t have one because of infertility or other health issues.

Surrogacy in Mumbai is highly legal with various laws. As only married Indian couples can have the process if they have no option or chance of becoming parents. No other person is allowed to have surrogacy in Mumbai. Do you know that only the altruistic method is available? It means the surrogate mother is from family or friends and willing to help the couple. You will not compensate the surrogate which will also help in your budget. We prefer you to check the exact laws and regulations before going for them.

Can you opt for surrogacy?

If you have experienced any of the below-mentioned issues, you can opt for surrogacy.

  • A married couple with proven infertility has failed many Assisted Reproductive Techniques. For instance, you have faced many pregnancy failures and cannot become pregnant with them.

  • The intended parents have a higher age of more than 40 which means their fertility status will deprive. They have fewer chances of becoming parents and thus face multiple miscarriages.

  • A couple does not have any surviving kids which also includes an adopted kid. But if the child is mentally or physically challenged, couples can opt for surrogacy.

The legal method of surrogacy in Mumbai

The gestational method of surrogacy is legal in India. In the gestational method, the embryo formed with the father’s sperm and the mother’s egg implanted in the surrogate uterus through surgery. In this method, the birth mother does not have a genetic connection to the child whereas, in the traditional method, the birth mother has a genetic connection to the child.

A legal agreement is signed between the intended parents and the birth mother. The agreement is a contract between the surrogate mother and the couple benefiting from the treatment. It confirms your rights over the child. For it, you will need to hire a surrogacy lawyer with high experience. They have high charges that can increase your entire budget. Your total surrogacy charges in Mumbai will impact the attorney fees.

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