What are the effects of surrogacy in Mumbai, when the child grows up?


With the increasing infertility issues Surrogacy has become really popular among other fertility treatments. Sometimes the high price of surrogacy leaves parents in question of what to do. Yet, World Fertility Services gives you a reasonable surrogacy cost in Mumbai, for the parents to go ahead with their process.

First of all let’s know surrogacy: Surrogacy is a reproductive treatment where another woman carries and delivers the baby for the intended parents, and that woman is called a surrogate mother. The baby born out of this process is called a surrogate baby.

The intended parents do not have to worry; the surrogate baby would not look like the surrogate mother. 

What is the surrogacy cost in Mumbai?

Surrogacy cost in Mumbai usually depends on every clinic. Still, the average surrogacy costs are like this: 

There is no surrogate mother cost in Mumbai. No intended parents have to pay compensation to the surrogate mother, all they have to do is to pay for her regular checkups and take care of her during her pregnancy period.

What affects the surrogacy cost in Mumbai?

Everything is somehow connected. Surrogacy isn’t some surgery that can be done in one step. It’s a treatment that has many stages, that can affect the surrogacy cost in Mumbai. The factors that can surrogacy cost in Mumbai are listed here:

Who can have surrogacy in India?

Here is the list of who can have surrogacy in Indian and who cannot:

Is surrogacy legal in Mumbai?

Yes surrogacy is legal in Mumbai, though there are some rules to follow. India follows the Altruistic form of surrogacy. The literal meaning of altruism is doing a good deed without any expectation in return. Since the time India banned commercial surrogacy which had made a business out of surrogacy, now India only allows the Altruistic form.

A surrogate mother should be helping you without any expectation in return. This way even a family member or a friend can become a surrogate mother of you. 

Who can be your surrogate mother in Mumbai?

The Altruistic form of surrogacy allows a family member or a friend to be your surrogate mother. Though, they need to follow some rules such as they must have some children of their own. She should be married. Her age should be 25 to 35. Her medical and psychological health should be fit and fine.


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