Exploring Surrogacy Cost in Thailand: Your Complete Guide


Why look for the surrogacy cost in Thailand?

Surrogacy is one of the assistive reproductive techniques which is currently really popular in the world. Most of the couples struggling with infertility are looking for this treatment. However, in surrogacy there are many stages; and the complicated process of it needs high technology and professionals’ help to perform. Therefore, the cost of it is also high. At this rate, not many people would be able to afford this treatment. However, the surrogacy cost in Thailand is not as high as in other countries. Moreover, even if the cost is low here, the treatment efficiency is still high. That is why Thailand is the best place for people to consider having their surrogacy.

surrogacy cost in Thailand

How much does surrogacy cost in Thailand?

As everyone already knows learning about a treatment’s cost is important before considering having that treatment. The surrogacy cost in Thailand is not high. How much is spent on your treatment by the centre is what they will ask the patients to pay. The surrogacy price in Thailand is USD 53,000 to USD 65,000. This is a really affordable price for every couple. Surrogacy has many steps and each step affects the cost of it. There is a surrogate mother in Thailand to take care of too. People have to pay compensation to the surrogate mother as it is a surrogacy law in Thailand.

What is included in the surrogacy cost in Thailand?

We need to know what is included in surrogacy in Thailand cost; it is the medical procedure and the legal procedure of surrogacy that are included in the cost of:

· Medical Examination — The first step of the surrogacy procedure starts with the medical examination. In this doctors would run many tests and ultrasounds on the couple and the surrogate mother.

· Lawyer Contract — The second step is to have your legal contract made by a lawyer. This contract divides all the duties and rights of the couple and the surrogate.

· Stimulation of Ovaries — In the third step doctors would stimulate the ovaries with the hormonal injections.

· Collection of Gametes — In the fourth step doctors would collect the gametes of the couple. For the female gametes, they would have to wait till her ovulation period.

· Fertilization Process — Once the gametes are here doctors would combine them to form an embryo.

· Embryo Transfer — After 2–3 days of observation of the embryo doctors would transfer that embryo to the uterus of the surrogate mother Thailand.

· Delivery / Labour — The last step of surrogacy is the delivery of the baby.

What affects the surrogacy cost in Thailand?

There are many factors that can affect the surrogacy cost in Thailand. Here below we will be learning about them in brief:

· Hospital Charges — The first factor to affect the surrogacy cost is the hospital charges. Every hospital has different ways to provide treatment. This makes their cost different too.

· Medical Cost — The second factor to affects the surrogacy cost is the medical cost. The medical examination cost, the medicines cost, and the procedure cost are included in one to make the medical cost.

· Lawyer’s Fees — To have our surrogacy contract made by a lawyer there would be a cost to pay. Experienced lawyers have a high price while nonexperienced lawyers have a low price.

· Donor Gametes — If the gametes of the couple are not fertile enough then doctors would suggest the use of donor gametes. However, the cost of the donor gametes would affect the surrogacy cost.

· Advance Treatments — Another factor to affects the surrogacy cost is the advanced treatments used. If the doctors see no result of the surrogacy treatments alone then they recommend the use of these advanced treatments with Thai surrogacy.

· Multiple Attempts — If there is a failure then doctors would use the multiple attempts on the couple. However, this would increase the total cost.

· Traveling Charges — If the clinic the couple chooses is far away or in another country then they would have to add traveling charges to their surrogacy budget.

· Accommodation Charge — Choosing a faraway clinic would make the couple face one more problem. They would have to pay for the accommodation cost too. It becomes necessary to stay at a hotel during the period of treatment.

How to lower the surrogacy cost in Thailand?

There are many ways to lower the surrogacy cost in Thailand. Below we are providing some points:

· Select the best Centre — The first thought should always be to select the best surrogacy centre in Thailand for their treatment. Only the best centre would have an affordable cost.

· Learn About Treatments — The second point of focus is to learn more about treatments. Only when the couple has the knowledge of the treatment will they be able to prepare their minds for the upcoming process?

· Manage Body Health — The third point to take care of is to manage body health. Health affects the success and the cost of the treatment. If the couple is not healthy then they would fail the treatment and end up using multiple attempts which can increase their surrogacy cost.

· Stop Addictions & Bad Habits — Another point to focus on is to stop all addictions and bad habits. If the couple smokes or drinks, then their gametes fertility would be really low this can lead to the use of donor gametes during treatment.

· Do Not Stress — Stress is harmful to health. Especially during pregnancy stress can directly cause miscarriage to happen.

· Listen to the Doctors — A doctor knows their patient the best. That is why couples must always listen to the doctors.

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